San Diego Emergency: Stay informed before, during, and after a disaster


From the Office of Emergency Services*: Did you know you can get important San Diego regional preparedness, emergency, and recovery information in the palm of your hand? The SD Emergency App provides disaster preparedness information, interactive checklists to help you to create your emergency plan, and even instructions to build an emergency supplies kit.

When disaster strikes, the SD Emergency App will keep you and your family informed with emergency updates, evacuation orders, interactive emergency maps, and shelter locations.
The San Diego Office of Emergency Services (OES) created the SD Emergency App to better prepare and inform San Diego residents and visitors about disasters. With SD Emergency, the tools you need to plan, prepare, and respond in an emergency are right at your fingertips.

The San Diego Emergency app is available in English and in Spanish for iOS and Android mobile devices. Learn more about San Diego’s no cost SD Emergency app at

*The Office of Emergency Services (OES) coordinates the overall county response to disasters. OES is responsible for alerting and notifying appropriate agencies when disaster strikes; coordinating all agencies that respond; ensuring resources are available and mobilized in times of disaster; developing plans and procedures for response to and recovery from disasters; and developing and providing preparedness materials for the public. OES staffs the Operational Area Emergency Operations Center (a central facility which provides regional coordinated emergency response), and also acts as staff to the Unified Disaster Council (UDC), a joint powers agreement between all 18 incorporated cities and the County of San Diego. The UDC provides for coordination of plans and programs countywide to ensure protection of life and property. For more information, visit

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