CPUS meets Tues, Feb 16, at 5:30 PM; on the agenda University City area streets & transportation & Mobility Corridor Groups


From University City Planner Katie Witherspoon: You are invited to join the City of San Diego Planning Department for a live webinar for the University Community Plan Update on Tuesday, February 16th from 5:30 to 8:30 PM. During this month’s meeting we will discuss Mobility Goals and draft Mobility Corridor Concept Planning Sheets. We will be utilizing breakout groups for this discussion.

February 2021 Registration:

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Please note that two separate registrations are required to fully participate in this month’s webinar:

Agenda: https://www.sandiego.gov/sites/default/files/ucpus_final_agenda_02.16.2021.pdf

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Information: For more information, visit CPUS website https://www.planuniversity.org/

 or contact Katie Witherspoon, AICP at KatieW@SanDiego.gov


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 Draft Mobility Goals (from March 2020 Mobility Vision Presentation) available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fFr61mCsEM&feature=youtu.be

  • A connected and integrated transportation network that puts people first and expands personal mobility to schools, residences, activity centers and employment hubs within the community and throughout the region.
  • A balanced, multimodal transportation network that prioritizes safe, accessible, sustainable and attractive travel options for all users.
  • Enhanced access to public transit, linkages to community and regional activity centers, and opportunities to increase transit ridership.
  • A mobility system that embraces emerging technologies, smart infrastructure, and is aimed at improving mobility options and efficiency of the transportation system.

Related Posts: For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpu/

City Planning Department: University City Mobility Corridor Groups



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