From San Diego Parks and Recreation: AgeWell Services, as well as other Parks and Recreation staff, have been and will be providing virtual program opportunities for older adults. Approximately 15 virtual programs are offered each week, in which 5-40 participants attend each program. We know there are many more older adults who are in need of socialization, cultural opportunities and fitness, but they may not currently have the technical skills to access virtual programs.
AgeWell Services is ready to assist in bridging the digital divide. Please share the attached flyer with family, friends and patrons. This is a free service in which a number of older adults have already been trained and our now able to register themselves via ActivNET, participate in Zoom programs, navigate YouTube and connect with family via FaceTime.
- Who: Older adults, 55 years … and better!
- What: 1-hour training appointments over the phone
- Why: To assist older adults in becoming more confident in using technology.
- When: Mondays – Saturdays. Appointment times vary.
- Cost: FREE! It’s a complimentary service!
- How: For an appointment call: 619-236-6906 or email: thescroll@sandiego.gov. A City of San Diego Parks and Recreation staff member will patiently assist you, at your own pace, to become a more proficient technology user.
For more information, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/park-and-recreation/activities/agewellservices
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