From Diane Ahern, president of the University City Fire Safe Council, three quick announcements:
- I Love A Clean San Diego is sponsoring “Cupid’s Cleanup” this Valentine’s Day weekend by suggesting that you Love Your Neighborhood by picking up litter and cleaning up trash. Reducing the amount of trash and litter at home and on the streets reduces the amount of fuel … and therefore helps to prevent fire. Find more information and register for the February 13 event at I Love a Clean San Diego at ilacsd.org
- The Fire Safe Council of University City is drafting the first Community Wildfire Protection Plan for the University City area. For information about the Fire Safe Council’s progress to date, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/fsc-community-wildfire-protection-plan-cwpp-overview-and-maps/
- The primary components of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan are:
- Community Awareness and Education,
- Home and Structure Protection,
- Outdoor Defensible Space,
- Reducing Fuel (such as trash and litter removal mentioned above),
- Preparing for Evacuation.
- The primary components of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan are:
- The Fire Safe Council is hosting a meeting on Monday, February 15, at 6 PM at which our San Diego Fire Department representatives will present information about the components of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan. For information about joining this meeting via Zoom, please email the Fire Safe Council at UCFireSafeCouncil@gmail.com
If you have any questions or ideas or would like more information about any of these items, please contact me, Diane Ahern, through the Fire Safe Council at UCFireSafeCouncil@gmail.com
Information about the University City Fire Safe Council at https://www.universitycitynews.org/fire-safe-council-university-city/
News from the Fire Safe Council at https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/sdfd/