From Fire Safe Council president Diane Ahern: The University City Fire Safe Council hosted its first Information Session via Zoom in January 2021. Featured speakers included Britney Munoz and Kevin Soland with the Resource Conservation District and the San Diego County Fire Safe Council; Marci Garcia and Steve Macias with the San Diego Fire Rescue Department; Asst. Fire Chief Dan Hernandez, Miramar Fire Department, and Kristin Camper, MCAS Miramar Community Liaison Officer; and Kaitlyn Willoughby with Councilmember Joe LaCava’s office.
Diane Ahern, University City Fire Safe Council, provided an overview including area’s emergency response responsibility, burn history, and fire threat.
- Fire Safe Council History: https://www.universitycitynews.org/fire-safe-council-university-city/
- Current Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones map on the SD Fire-Rescue Department website: https://www.sandiego.gov/fire/services/brush/severityzones
- Burn History, Fire Threat, Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) Overview: https://www.universitycitynews.org/fsc-community-wildfire-protection-plan-cwpp-overview-and-maps/
- Wildfire Hazard Map: https://www.readysandiego.org/content/oesready/en-us/wildfire-hazard-map.html
- Recent Fire Safe Council News: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/sdfd/
The San Diego County Fire Safe Council was founded in 1997 by the Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego in partnership with local, state, federal, and tribal fire agencies. The County Fire Safe Council provides workshops, education, and public outreach; sponsors fuel reduction programs; encourages and supports the development of local Fire Safe Councils; and assists in the development of local Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs).
- SD County Fire Safe Council Presentation: FSCs Adapting Alongside Our Environment- University City
- SD County Fire Safe Council: http://firesafesdcounty.org/
Although San Diego Fire Rescue Department has Emergency Response Responsibility in the vast majority of the University City Fire Safe Council area, MCAS Miramar Fire is responsible for a small area of the University City Fire Safe Council area adjacent to the MCAS Miramar boundary near the 805 and Miramar Road. San Diego Fire Rescue Department representatives spoke of Fire Safety and the Ready, Set, Go program and brush management efforts. MCAS Miramar Fire representatives spoke of fuel reduction efforts in east Miramar (east of I-15), mutual aid agreements among local, county, and federal fire agencies including response to fire calls outside its federal property, and air support during wildfires provided by active-duty Marines.
- SD Fire Department: https://www.sandiego.gov/fire/safety
- Miramar Fire Department: https://www.miramar.marines.mil/Departments/Fire-Department/
Kaitlyn Willoughby with Councilmember Joe LaCava’s office led a discussion related to Fire Safe needs in the University City community including brush management cleanup, concern about exit routes out of dead-end streets and neighborhoods, the danger of flying embers to fire spread, the added danger of house-to-house fire spread in residential neighborhoods, need for more inspection services for home owners interested in making their homes more fire resistant, and fuel reduction in homes and yards.
- Kaitlyn Willoughby community “office hour”: Every Friday from 10-11 AM; attend via Zoom at https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/j/1618694152?pwd=YmViRC8zelNpNHBHVnFIS3NtL1lzUT09
- Kaitlyn Willoughby contact information: sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd1/staff
During 2021, the University City Fire Safe Council will complete its Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The Council will continue its focus on education related to fire prevention and preparation with articles in the print newsletter and websites. For community outreach, Council representatives will attend local community meetings such as the community association, planning group and parks council. The Council hopes to participate in community events such as the UC Celebration and Oktoberfest once COVID restrictions have eased.
- Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP): https://www.universitycitynews.org/fsc-community-wildfire-protection-plan-cwpp-overview-and-maps/
- About Us: https://www.ucfiresafecouncil.com/
- News: https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/sdfd
- History: https://www.universitycitynews.org/fire-safe-council-university-city/
For more information about the Fire Safe Council of University City, email UCFireSafeCouncil@gmail.com