Time change! Community Association UCCA will meet at 4:30 PM, Wed, Jan 13, 2021


From UCCA president Barry Bernstein: Our regularly scheduled meeting time has been changed to 4:30 PM this Wednesday, January 13. The time change will allow interested University City residents to listen/watch San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria’s “State of the City” address that evening. Please join us at 4:30 for our ZOOM meeting. Agenda items include the introduction of Councilmember Joe LaCava’s community liaison Kaitlyn Willoughby,  Supervisor Lawson-Remer’s liaison Spencer Katz, and Mayor Gloria’s community liaison Matthew Griffith. An update of Tuesday’s UCPG meeting will also be presented. And as always there will be public forum time for any issues/concerns that you may have. If you have agenda items to share or wish to speak during public forum, please email us at UniversityCityNews@gmail.com. And don’t forget, the Fire Safe Council meets on Thursday at 6 PM. 

A G E N D A: Preliminary; all times approximate and subject to change

  • 4:30-Welcome, meeting called to order “moment of silence/prayer”
  • 4:35- Approval of November minutes (vote)
  • Approval of agenda (vote)
  • 4:40- President’s comments
  • 4:45- Introduction of Councilmember Joe Lacava
  • Introduction of new community liaisons:
  • Kaitlyn Willoughby (Councilmember LaCava), Matthew Griffith (Mayor Gloria), Spencer Katz (Supervisor Lawson-Remer)
  • 4:50- SDPD Officer Melanie Bognuda
  • 4:55- Miller Saltzman (Senator Atkins), Jessica Brown (Representative Peters), Alyssa Helper (UCSD)
  • 5:05- UCPG report- Chris Nielsen
  • 5:10- Treasurer’s Report- Don Hotz (vote)
  • Membership- Hallie Burch
  • 5:15- Public Comment/Open Forum
  • Street Banners/County Grants-discussion- Diane
  • Short term rental update-Mack Langston
  • Newsletter Committee- Don Hotz
  • 5:30- Adjournment- Next regular meeting Wednesday, February 10

Mayor Gloria’s “State of the City” on Wednesday at 6 PM; details at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2021/01/12/january-14-6-pm-its-mayor-todd-gloria-and-the-state-of-the-city-address/

The Fire Safe Council meets Thursday at 6 PM; details at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2021/01/09/thu-jan-14-university-city-fire-safe-council-to-host-information-session-at-6-pm/

For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/events/



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➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️