From UCPG Planning Group Chair Chris Nielsen: The University Community Planning Group (UCPG) will meet Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 6 PM, using Zoom video conferencing technology. There are four main items on this month’s agenda:
- Agenda Item 7 – Action Item: This is a final project recommendation for the Miramar Car Wash. This project was heard as an information item at the November UCPG meeting. Project details at 6270 Miramar Rd Presentation
- Agenda Item 8 – Action Item: This is a final project recommendation for the Coastal Rail Trail/ Gilman Drive CIP project. This was heard at the November UCPG meeting. Alejandra Gonzalez Nava, representing the City, will present and give some updates for the project based on feedback from our previous meeting and from the community. Project details at 2021-0112- Coastal Rail Trail – UCPG Presentation – Jan 2021
- Agenda Item 9 – Action Item: This is a request for support for a set of proposals by PARC (Parks And Rec Coalition), a group organized to make recommendations to the City on its proposed Parks Master Plan. This plan was originally presented by the Planning Department to the City Council in November and was narrowly defeated, 5-4, and sent back to the Planning Department for revision. The January 12, 2021, agenda shows where to find the latest proposals from Planning. Planning groups across the City will be considering the proposal by PARC this month, as will the UCPG. Please take the time to read the presentation by PARC available at 2021_Jan_UCPG_PARC_PMP_proposals
- Agenda Item 10 – Information Item: This presents the proposed UCSD’s La Jolla Innovation Center. It is a project located at the intersection of La Jolla Village Drive and Villa La Jolla, southwest corner. The old Rock Bottom Restaurant will be demolished and replaced by a medical/office building with 7 above grade floors, two below grade floors, 4 total floors of parking. Building height is approximately 100’. The University of California Regents has purchased the 0.9 acre site and will lease back the property for construction and occupation. It is not subject to the City Prop D Coastal Zone height limit of 30’. This is an issue we will discuss at the meeting. The building will house UC San Diego Extension (3 ½ floors) and UC San Diego Neurology now currently located in the offices to the west of the proposed building. Project details available at https://blink.ucsd.edu/facilities/real-estate/ljic.html
The formal/complete agenda with Zoom instructions and access to supporting documents is available on the City’s Planning Group website at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas