December 2020: Courtesy of Karl Cranford, two new photos and a new YouTube video of the Imagine UC 2020 construction site on Governor Drive. Imagine UC 2020 is the SDUSD project to build a joint-use pool and upgrade Standley Middle and Spreckels Elementary Schools in the area adjacent to Standley Park.
December 2020: San Diego Unified School District has posted updated artist renderings on their School Facilities Projects page depicting Construction Progress for the Standley Middle School project and joint-use pool that’s under construction on Governor Drive between Radcliffe and Swanson Pool.
Click on each image below to view full size. Refer to the SDUSD School Facilities Projects Page for Standley Middle School at https://fpcprojects.sandi.net/Pages/Reports.aspx?SchoolName=9325
For recent news and posts about the Imagine UC 2020 project, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/imagine-uc-2020/
For more information on the history of the Imagine UC 2020 project, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/imagine-uc-2020-sdusd-school-facilities-project/