Thank you for voting, University City.
From the County News Center and the Registrar of Voters: Counting ballots takes time, and the November 3 Presidential General Election is more complicated than past elections due to the many changes related to the pandemic. There were a record high number of 1.95 million registered voters; more mail ballots than ever before because every active registered voter received a ballot in the mail; mail ballots can be counted if postmarked on or before Election Day and received up to Nov. 20.; and polling places opened for a four-day period, Oct. 31 – Nov. 3. You can follow the Registrar’s office on Twitter for updates. For current information, visit sdvote.com
or call (858) 565-5800.
On Election Night, the first set of results comes in shortly after 8 p.m. Unlike past elections, where the first election night results encompass only mail ballots, the first report for this election will also contain polling place precinct ballots that returned to the Registrar’s office from Oct. 31 through Nov. 2. The Election Day precinct ballots come in after the polls close at 8 p.m. and must be driven in from 235 polling places across the county. Upon arrival, the ballots are scanned and results will be periodically updated throughout the night until most of the precinct ballots have been counted. You can follow the Registrar’s office on Twitter for updates. For current information, visit sdvote.com
or call (858) 565-5800.
It may be midnight on Election Night, however, before all polling place ballots arrive at the Registrar’s. The final unofficial election night results may not come in until after 3 a.m. and will only cover the ballots that can be counted immediately. The record-breaking number of mail ballots that have been returned early shows how the pandemic has possibly changed voter behavior. The Registrar anticipates that only 20 to 30% will remain and be reported after the Election Night count. Some races may be considered easy to predict, but tight races will be up in the air. You can follow the Registrar’s office on Twitter for updates. For current information, visit sdvote.com or call (858) 565-5800.
Here’s what remains to be counted:
- Mail ballots. The Registrar’s office mailed over 1.95 million ballots for this election and anticipates between 250,000 to 300,000 mail ballots could be dropped off at the polls or picked up at the U.S. Postal Service on Election Day. Plus, mail ballots sent right before or on Election Day have 17 days to arrive if postmarked by Election Day.
- Provisional ballots. People who missed the Oct. 19 registration deadline may conditionally register and vote provisionally up to and on Election Day. More than 250,000 county residents who are not registered but otherwise eligible can take advantage of this, but for every provisional ballot, election workers must make sure the voter was eligible to vote – and eligible to vote on the races they marked on the ballot.
Some races may not be decided for several weeks. However, the results must be certified 30 days after Election Day, on Dec. 3, and the Registrar expects to use every minute of the certification period to make sure the results are accurate. You can follow the Registrar’s office on Twitter for updates. For current information, visit sdvote.com or call (858) 565-5800.
For more from the County News Center, visit https://www.countynewscenter.com/
For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/elections/