Print copies are available now at the Recreation Center, the U-City Coin Wash Laundromat , and the Community Library on Governor Drive. Print copies will be delivered to homes and businesses beginning Friday, October 30.

From UCCA President Barry Bernstein: Hi Everyone. Happy Halloween and Happy Election Weekend! For the first time, polls will be open for four days – October 31 through Election Day November 3. Yes, November is sneaking up on us, and soon we will be awaiting results from National, State, and local elections. But first, if you haven’t already done so, please exercise your right to vote. It’s not too late. There is information in the November print newsletter and online at https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/elections/
COVID-19’s impact has apparently not lessened, and we mourn the many deaths of innocent victims here in San Diego, the United States and around the world. Keeping positive just isn’t an easy thing to do these days.
Locally, UCCA provided an excellent candidate’s forum in October in coordination with San Diego’s League of Women Voters, AND a very important public meeting with the San Diego Police related to the incident involving the rabbi of the Shiviti congregation.
Thanks to Tama Becker-Varano, president of “Change Begins with Me”, for organizing the peaceful rally event supporting our Jewish neighbors. Please see the November front page photos and the accompanying articles inside. We anticipate a follow-up police report on this incident at our November 11 UCCA meeting. Please plan to join us. Along with some college football and basketball, (congratulation to the Lakers), to take our minds off the less pleasant things going on in the world.
This November we will be recognizing our Veterans and preparing for Thanksgiving in a way perhaps most of us never thought would happen. We will need to re-think/plan. It’s pretty hard slicing that turkey/ham on a family ZOOM, but for some it will be a fun challenge. Even the National Balderdash event which I usually host at my home the day after Thanksgiving will need to be a ZOOM event this year.
I am sure you have noticed our 2021 UCCA membership envelope attached to the November print newsletter. PLEASE DO JOIN…it is your dues money that pays for this newsletter and the many activities and organizations that you and your family take part in…so JOIN and support all the good we do. Remember, University City “is more than just a neighborhood”.
Renew or join UCCA today through PayPal at https://www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/
, or send in your membership check using the enveloped enclosed in the November newsletter.
Take a look at the November issue and all past issues at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/