UCCA hosts Community Meeting Wed, Oct 14; report of Physical Assault on Governor; statement from Police Department

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Update 10/16/2020: Community interest and participation were high at UCCA’s University City community meeting on Wednesday, October 14, 2020. Attendees and speakers included SDPD Captain Matt Novak, Officer Melanie Bodnuda, Rabbi Yonatan Halevy, and Justine Murray from Councilmember Bry’s office.

This was a public meeting held via Zoom. To view the Zoom recording on DropBox, click on the image.

For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/events/

Update 10/15/2020: UCCA is working to get official statements from all speakers at last night’s meeting. Meanwhile, for those who are looking for an official statement from the San Diego Police Department about the response, please refer to this article – Attack on rabbi in San Diego rabbi under investigation – The Forward – at https://forward.com/news/breaking-news/456447/attack-on-rabbi-outside-synagogue-in-san-diego-under-investigation/

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The article contains this information: The San Diego Police Department began investigating Halevy’s case as of Monday morning, after Halevy posted his report and his experience with the police on social media. The department has also apologized for the responding officer’s initial lack of response to Halevy’s allegations. “We are looking into the actions of the officer that responded that night and we will be speaking with him to determine exactly why a crime report was not taken that evening,” said Shawn Takeuchi, the department’s public information officer. “A report definitely should have been taken.” “San Diego police are currently working with witnesses to narrow the investigation, and are looking at allegations of hate crime and battery. “The San Diego Police Department does not dismiss these allegations, and we take them very seriously,” Takeuchi said. “We will make every effort to make the determination as to whether this was a hate-motivated incident. Especially given these recent times, I want the community to feel comfortable in contacting the police department.

From UCCA President Barry Bernstein: University City Community Association (UCCA) is aware of a report on Nextdoor dated October 11, of a physical assault on Governor Drive that is reported to have occurred on Saturday evening, October 10, 2020. Yonatan Halevy, a Rabbi of the Shiviti Jewish community in University City, reported, in part, that he was walking with his elderly father on their way to a holiday meeting on Saturday, October 10, on Governor Drive at Scripps, across the street from UC Marketplace, when he as knocked down by a person riding a bike. Rabbi Halevy reported that this person called him a number of racial slurs before riding away.

UCCA has been in contact with the San Diego police department, the city councilmember for district 1, and the manager of the UC MarketPlace. On October 12, UCCA received the following message via email from Captain Matt Novak, SDPD, Northern Division: Today a detective met with the victim and will be making it a priority to identify and apprehend the suspect.  In addition, all of my patrol supervisors are aware of this incident and we will be doing extra patrol in the area.  Please assure the community that this is a high priority and their safety is of upmost importance to us.  Our Community Relations Officer will be working with the victim to prevent any further criminal acts there and to help alleviate any on-going issues in that area.  We will be in attendance on Wednesday night (UCCA meeting at 6 PM) and can answer any additional questions. [Clarification, Lieutenant Scott and Officer Bognuda are expected to attend the UCCA Zoom meeting on Wednesday, not Captain Novak.]

UCCA will host a public Community Association meeting on October 14, 2020, 6 PM, via Zoom. All are welcome. Please note, because of the recent concern related to the second occurrence of a troubling incident involving Rabbi Halevy in the area of the UC MarketPlace on Governor Drive, and the need to provide time for the anticipated police report, the agenda will have only a few items. We will not have time for legislative reports, and must adjourn by 6:55 to accommodate our meeting participants to switch to the D1 LWV candidate forum.

6PM: UCCA Meeting. Tentative University City Community Association agenda for October 14, 2020:

  • 6 PM: Call to order and announcements
  • 6:10-6:30 PM: Police Report on UC MarketPlace incidents
  • 6:30-6:50: Public Forum; Action/ approval of street banner changeout costs; November newsletter deadline and membership envelopes; update from Justine Murray on Avia La Jolla apartments
  • 6:55 PM: Adjourn

To join the UCCA meeting shortly before 6 PM on October 14, go to Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86239075095

7 PM: League of Women Voters City Council D1 Candidate Forum with Joe La Cava and Will Moore

For more information about the LWV Candidate Forum, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/10/11/lwv-candidate-forum-wed-oct-14-submit-your-questions-for-city-council-d1-candidates-joe-lacava-and-will-moore/

For more information about the San Diego Police Department, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/sdpd/


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