From David Rolland, Council Communications Director: Somehow, we’ve reached the fourth quarter of this insane year. Welcome to October, everyone. Today we have a preview of Tuesday’s Council meeting, which won’t be quite as busy as last week’s. City Council — Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2020: Tuesday’s meeting officially starts at 9 a.m., when the Council will listen to public comment on any items on the closed-session agenda. Then they’ll retreat to closed session and return to open session at 11 a.m. The agenda includes four consent items that are considered noncontroversial and won’t be discussed unless a member of Council or a member of the public asks to have an item pulled out for conversation. The agenda and more information is available on the City’s website including staff reports and other pieces of supporting material. Visit the People’s Business blog at https://www.sandiego.gov/blog/peoples-business-oct-5-2020
The discussion agenda includes these seven matters:
- Historical Designation of Property in the Gaslamp Quarter Historic District (Item 335)
- Bridge Shelter for Families, Single Women, and Transitional-Aged Youth (Item 334)
- Ethics Commission Executive Director Appointment (Item 331)
- Six As-Needed Land Survey Agreements (Item S500)
- Information Technology Consulting Services (Item 333)
- Software Licensing, Maintenance, Support, and Technical Advisory Services (Item 330)
- Microsoft Software, Subscriptions, and Services (Item 332)
For an index of all The People’s Business posts, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/the-peoples-business
San Diego CityTV, City Council Agendas, Comment Forms, Contacts, YouTube: Easy Access to City Council and Meetings; info at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/07/07/san-diego-citytv-city-council-agendas-comment-forms-contacts-youtube-easy-access-to-city-council-and-meetings/
For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/district-1/