From David Rolland, Council Communications Director: On Wednesday, September 30, 2020, the Audit Committee meeting, chaired by Councilmember Scott Sherman, begins at 9 a.m. The City hasn’t had a permanent City Auditor since September 2018 and the Auditor’s office is currently being led by an interim auditor, Kyle Elser . On Wednesday, the Audit Committee’s meeting agenda includes several items related to this matter. The agenda and more information is available on the City’s website including staff reports and other pieces of supporting material. Visit the People’s Business blog at https://www.sandiego.gov/blog/peoples-business-sept-29-2020
Other agenda items include:
- Performance Audit of the San Diego Police Department’s Data Analysis
- Performance Audit of City Street Sweeping
- Central Stores Inventory Review
- Industrial Wastewater Control Program Audit
- City Auditor’s Monthly Activity Report
For an index of all The People’s Business posts, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/the-peoples-business
San Diego CityTV, City Council Agendas, Comment Forms, Contacts, YouTube: Easy Access to City Council and Meetings; info at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/07/07/san-diego-citytv-city-council-agendas-comment-forms-contacts-youtube-easy-access-to-city-council-and-meetings/
For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/district-1/