From David Rolland, Council Communications Director: It’s mostly quiet on the legislative front this week, but we do have one Council committee meeting to satiate our desire for some exciting policy-making action — the Environment Committee
meets tomorrow, Thursday, September 24, 2020, at 1 PM. If you’d like the agenda and more detail on anything summarized here, please visit the People’s Business Blog (a preview of City Council and committee action) at https://www.sandiego.gov/blog/peoples-business-sept-23-2020 Available information includes staff reports and other pieces of supporting material.
The agenda for this month’s Environment Committee meeting, chaired by Councilmember Jennifer Campbell, begins with one consent item — a technical matter involving the City’s solid-waste franchise agreements. It’s considered noncontroversial and won’t be discussed unless a committee member or member of the public wants to pull it out for discussion.
The discussion / information agenda is highlighted by a couple of items involving the City’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, plus two items related to water quality:
- Municipal Energy Strategy
- Energy Savings Performance Contracts
- Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
- Performance Audit of the Industrial Wastewater Control Program
For an index of all The People’s Business posts, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/the-peoples-business
San Diego CityTV, City Council Agendas, Comment Forms, Contacts, YouTube: Easy Access to City Council and Meetings; info at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/07/07/san-diego-citytv-city-council-agendas-comment-forms-contacts-youtube-easy-access-to-city-council-and-meetings/
For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/district-1/