From SDGE News: Power grid operator predicts high heat, energy demand this holiday weekend. The California Independent System Operator (ISO) has issued a statewide Flex Alert, a call for voluntary electricity conservation, beginning Saturday and extending through Monday, from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Labor Day weekend temperatures are forecast 10-20 degrees above normal for California, and the power grid operator is predicting an increase in electricity demand, primarily from air conditioning use. Overnight temperatures statewide are projected to be at least 10 degrees higher than normal, which doesn’t allow infrastructure to cool down. High heat is also predicted throughout the West for the weekend, which can limit the ISO’s ability to import energy to serve demand.
Consumers can actively help by shifting energy use to morning and nighttime hours. Conservation can lower demand and avoid further actions, including outages, and lessen the duration of possible power interruptions.
For more information from SDGE News, visit https://sdgenews.com/article/flex-alert-issued-holiday-weekend-calling-energy-conservation
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County Cool Zone information at https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/ais/cool_zones.html