Read or Download the PDF version of September’s University City News
Print versions of the UCCA’s September 2020 University City News are available as of Sunday afternoon, August 30, at the Standley Recreation Center, the University Community Library, and the U-City Coin Wash (Laundromat) all located on Governor Drive. Home delivery will begin Sunday and Monday, August 30 and 31.
From UCCA President Barry Bernstein: Hi Everyone. With Fall soon to be here, and this forgettable summer just about over…school options for our children have begun in a controversial and COVID-19 affected manner. At this writing it looks like San Diego’s pandemic control is somewhat under control, and more opportunities for returning to a new normalcy will be announced. Let’s hope so. Until then, the word is to keep up the good work…face covering, social-distancing, and hand washing for a couple more months as therapies and vaccine research continues.
Now that the major political parties have selected their candidates, in a most unusual “virtual” process, we can anticipate receiving mail-in ballots starting the week of October 5. UCCA, in conjunction with the San Diego League of Women Voters, will be hosting, virtually, a special District 1 City Council candidate forum via ZOOM. It is scheduled for Wednesday, October 14, 7:00pm. District 1 Candidates Joe LaCava and Will Moore will be asked to discuss city-wide issues as well as to comment on our University City concerns. Please plan to register and participate. More information will follow in our UCCA E-blasts and on UCCA’s UnivesityCityNews.org site.
Enjoy the upcoming Labor Day Holiday weekend. UCCA’s regular meeting this month is Wednesday, September 9, 6:00pm, please join us virtually. September 18 begins the Jewish High Holy days which end on Yom Kippur, September 28. On September 29, the Community Plan Update committee reconvenes to continue their efforts/discussions related to the development of a new University City plan. And don’t forget the very useful and fashionable “I (heart) University City” bandanas, in which the proceeds are donations to COVID 19 teams in U.C., are still available at $8.00. If interested in purchasing, please contact me at apdrfn@aol.com
Special thanks to Nancy Beck for stepping up to help with our median clean-up campaign. Her efforts reflect not only her own personal commitment to the community, but support the phrase, “University City is more than just a neighborhood.” Stay well, stay safe.
Save the date. The next UCCA meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, September 9, starting at 6:00pm – the regular monthly meeting time. Since libraries are still closed, the meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.
- To participate, join at us02web.zoom.us/j/4690121178
- You may also go to zoom.com, and join meeting ID: 469 012 1178
- And you can also call in at: 408.638.0968, 4690121178#