As reported by the County News Center, with the County’s COVID-19 case rate continuing to decline, local health officials are urging San Diegans to keep taking measures to prevent the spread of the novel virus. The County’s case rate is now at 85.2 and below the state watchlist threshold of 100 cases per every 100,000 residents. Because of that, the region is now in the second day of the 14-day period before all K-12 schools can reopen, if they choose to do so. To make sure the region gets to that point, it’s important that all San Diegans keep taking the necessary actions to prevent COVID-19 community outbreaks and the spread of the virus. They include:
- Wear face coverings
- Maintain physical distance
- Wash your hands
- Avoid crowded places
- Stay home if you are sick
“Because there is no treatment or vaccine, this is really what we have to wrap our arms around to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer. “San Diego residents have done a phenomenal job in helping to push our case rate below 100.”
For more, visit the County News Center at https://www.countynewscenter.com/how-san-diegans-can-help-keep-covid-19-case-rate-down/