If you are unable to get a test from your healthcare provider, the County of San Diego has coordinated free diagnostic COVID-19 testing at many locations.
COVID-19 tests are used to evaluate your health for COVID-19 infection and help public health agencies control the virus’ spread. Testing also helps identify specific areas and groups with higher rates of infection. Understanding these patterns is important to protect the public’s health and continue safely reopening the County.
If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider. If you do not have a healthcare provider, call 2-1-1. If you have serious symptoms, like difficulty breathing, call 9-1-1.
Free testing is available. Health plans are required to cover COVID-19 tests at no cost to the enrollee. It is recommended that you first contact your healthcare provider for a COVID-19 test. If you are unable to get a test from your healthcare provider, the County of San Diego has coordinated free diagnostic COVID-19 testing at many locations. These tests take about 5-10 minutes. Results generally come back in approximately 3 days.
Appointments are required (except at Tubman-Chavez Center). Appointments can be made up to one week in advance. For information about COVID-19 testing sites and appointments, call 2-1-1- or visit the 2-1-1- San Diego County website at https://211sandiego.org/