Editor’s note: University City Community Association (UCCA) does not publish a print newsletter in August. The next print newsletter is scheduled for September. This column was submitted by Councilmember Barbara Bry.
Outdoor Dining to Expand
Local restaurants have clearly suffered from the COVID-19 lockdown. On July 7— the same day the State mandated that San Diego County shut down indoor dining at restaurants — Mayor Faulconer signed an executive order waiving the majority of permit fees for the use of sidewalks and private parking lots as outdoor dining venues.
Additionally, on July 14, the City Council voted unanimously to adopt an emergency ordinance codifying the Mayor’s executive order. The ordinance further allows restaurant owners to expand onto the street spaces in front of their businesses. This emergency measure will last 45 days but can return to Council for another extension vote. I would like to thank the many District 1 residents for their hard work on this issue.
I’m frustrated that this has taken so long, and more action is needed in order to allow street spaces to also be used for dining. San Diegans want the option to be able to dine out safely. The restaurant industry employs thousands of San Diego residents, spends money with local vendors, and contributes important sales tax revenue to the city.
Let the Voters Decide!
Since my last UCCA column (printed in the July newsletter), City Council has voted to include several measures on voters’ ballots this November. These include:
- Establishing District-only elections for members of the San Diego Unified School District Board of Education; and
- Dissolving the Community Review Board on Police Practices and establishing an independent Commission on Police Practices.
These are measures I fully support.
We also voted to let voters decide whether to issue $900 million in general-obligation bonds to finance the construction of affordable and permanent supportive housing. The funding would come from increasing real estate taxes. My vote to move this item to the ballot is not an endorsement of the measure. It’s because I believe that voters should have the opportunity to make the decision on this important issue.
Traffic Light Green-Lighted
The long-awaited traffic signal at Lakewood & Governor has finally received its full funding! Once I have an updated construction timeline, my office will share this information with the community.
I know how much this light means to the community, and I am very excited to know the City can begin moving forward with the project; our office has been working with staff to fund this light in South UC through the CIP process for years.
For more information, visit the City Council District One page at https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd1
For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/district-1/
For more information about the newsletter, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/