University City Community Association (UCCA) will host its next meeting on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, using Zoom Meeting technology, starting at 6 PM. Since our local library remains closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, UCCA will conduct this meeting via Zoom. This is a public meeting and all are invited to participate.
Agenda: If you have an agenda item to suggest, you may contact us through email at universitycitynews@gmail.com or use the Contact Us link at https://www.universitycitynews.org/contact-us-or-volunteer-in-uc/
Meeting: Please join the Zoom Meeting as early as 5:55 PM on July 8, 2020. Our Zoom host is Don Hotz. Join directly at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4690121178
; or use meeting ID 4690121178 at Zoom.us; or call in 408-638-0968, meeting ID 4690121178.
About UCCA: University City Community Association provides for and promotes the safety, civic, cultural, social, educational and recreational development and improvement of University City … and provides a meeting place to discuss related issues and concerns at monthly public meetings. University City Community Association does not discriminate against people of any race, religion, age or sexual orientation. UCCA’s bylaws are https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-about-us/
Zoom helpful hints from Don Hotz, UCCA Treasurer and Zoom meeting host:
- Meeting participants will initially be admitted into the meeting “waiting room”. I will move participants from there to the meeting itself. Participants will be muted on entry, and will need to “raise their hands” to be recognized to speak. Thanks for your courtesy.
- Downloading the Zoom app to your device seems to give the best results. You may register for free and minimize the amount of follow-up email by choosing your email notification preferences.
- The Participants button is at the bottom center of the Zoom video screen. Use this button to get both a list of participants and to expose the “Raise Hands” feature at the bottom.
Leave your device muted during the meeting; this helps keep extraneous background sounds from interfering with the meeting. - More about Zoom Meeting at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-video-tutorials