From James Floyd at sdrocketrace@gmail.com: Since we all can’t join together for the annual photo scavenger hunt race held at UC Celebration on the 4th of July, we’ve got a virtual photo race for everyone in UC. You still have to go outside to take photos of the answers, but you can now solve and photograph at your own pace – no time pressure! And you can have a team of any size, so you can work alone or get your friends or family members to help out.
Download the PDF: Photo Scavenger Hunt clues – UC Celebration 2020
If you haven’t done one of the UC Photo Races before, this is a good chance to try out the game without having to race on foot. Below you will see a set of ten clues. Each of the clues will lead you to a location or landmark in University City, and there might even be multiple locations that fit the clue criteria – you only need to find one of them! Go to each location and take a photo of your entire team there. Checkpoint locations don’t need to be in order, but do need to be clearly identifiable. Unlike the regular annual photo race, you don’t need to travel on foot, so feel free to use bikes, cars, scooters, or whatever . This year’s challenge can be solved with locations all over University City, maybe even on your own street!
Download the PDF: Photo Scavenger Hunt clues – UC Celebration 2020
Once you’ve taken all the photos that fit the clues, cross the finish line by emailing them along with your team’s name to sdrocketrace@gmail.com – you can either attach the photos or link to them on Instagram or Facebook or elsewhere online that’s publicly viewable. We’ll post the best photos on the UC Celebration site.
The health and safety of those in our community is most important. When participating in this activity with those outside your family household, please follow current COVID-19 related restrictions: maintain a distance of six feet or wear a face covering over mouth and nose, routinely clean high-touch surfaces and wash your hands often.
- The tooth hurts: One common definition of this word is a thin film build-up of bacteria on one’s teeth. But using a different definition, it’s a brass tablet with words on it. Find one in UC that has exactly one person’s name on it and have your whole team point at the name.
- A second date! The 166th day of this year honors an important symbol of our country. Find a properly displayed version of this symbol – but not one at a government facility like a school, post office, or rec center – and give it a salute in your photo.
- I ce-meant to do that! All around UC are pavement stamps made by the companies and contractors who helped pour the sidewalks of our community. Find one that is dated from the last century and take a photo with a foot from each teammate pointing toward the year.
- This one might go over your head: Outside a local establishment that usually sells red strawberries, white whipped cream and blueberries, you’ll find a picture of a contraption that sounds like:
[ single word you say when you leave + a tragedy or comedy seen on a stage + the first letter in the chemical symbol for sodium ]
Get your team in the pic with it for this clue. - The artwork formerly known as prints? One of the local schools has a feline as a mascot, and on the fence at the school you might find a giant set of this mascot’s step impressions. Take a photo with this blue and yellow marvel while putting on your best wild faces.
- The Not-So-Secret Garden: Along Genesee, there is a garden that is dedicated to a person whose initials are D W-A. Find the garden and take a photo with the fountain there.
- Saving Mr. Banks: In the film Mary Poppins, Mr. Banks works at this type of establishment. Find a local establishment of the same type and take a picture pointing to the name of the business.
- CDC Guidelines: To properly social distance, you should wear face masks and remain six feet apart from people not in your household. Take a photo with masks on and using props to help illustrate what six feet apart looks like.
- Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Many of the streets in University City take their names from early twentieth-century achievers in the fields of medicine, literature, physics, chemistry and peace. Take a photo with a street sign that has the name of someone who won a Nobel Prize at least 80 years ago.
- Brace yourself: Clue 1 had a word with two definitions. Find any local establishment that might help you get that kind of stuff that is the first definition all cleaned up and take a picture with their sign while doing a dance that might be appropriate to the location.
Once you’ve taken all the photos that fit the clues, cross the finish line by emailing them along with your team’s name to sdrocketrace@gmail.com – you can either attach the photos or link to them on Instagram or Facebook or elsewhere online that’s publicly viewable. We’ll post the best photos on the UC Celebration site.
And remember, the health and safety of those in our community is most important. When participating in this activity with those outside your family household, please follow current COVID-19 related restrictions: maintain a distance of six feet or wear a face covering over mouth and nose, routinely clean high-touch surfaces and wash your hands often.
Download the PDF: Photo Scavenger Hunt clues – UC Celebration 2020
For related information, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/uc-4th-of-july/