Community Plan Update subcommittee – registration now open for Tuesday, June 2, 2020, special Zoom Webinar


From City Planner Katie Witherspoon: You are invited to join the City of San Diego Planning Department for a special meeting of the University Community Plan Update on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM

Please Note: Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the City of San Diego Planning Department is unable to host a physical meeting in June. Instead, pursuant to the Governor’s executive order N-25-20, this special meeting of the UCPUS will be held via Zoom Webinar.

Agenda: Information Item related to University Focus Areas & Discussion presented by Katie Witherspoon, AICP, Project Manager, Planning Department, City of San Diego. Complete agenda available at

Registration: You must register in advance if you wish to attend in any capacity, including viewing, listening, and possibly speaking. Register at

Editor’s note: This event will use Zoom Webinar. The Zoom Meeting and Zoom Webinar platforms offer similar features and functionality but have some key differences.

  • Meetings are designed to be a collaborative event with all participants being able to screen share, turn on their video and audio, and see who else is in attendance.
  • Webinars are designed to function as a virtual lecture hall or auditorium. Webinars are ideal for large audiences or events that are open to the public. Typically, webinar attendees do not interact with one another. The typical webinar has one or a few people speaking to an audience.
  • Webinars are designed so that the host and designated panelists can share their video, audio and screen. Attendees join in listen-only mode. They have the ability to interact via Q&A, chat, and answering polling questions. Attendees must use raise hand function. Only the host and panelists can mute/unmute their own audio.  The host can unmute one or more attendees.
  • Webinars, with its more controlled settings, can provide more security for a public meeting.

For more information about the differences between Zoom Meeting and Zoom Webinar, please visit


University City You Know

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