From University City Community Association (UCCA) president Barry Bernstein : The UCCA Board held its first general meeting virtually this past Wednesday. City Councilmember Barbara Bry, along with our local organizational leaders, provided current updates related to future plans effected by COVID-19.
The 4th of July UC Celebration has been canceled and at this time, it doesn’t look like the summer concert series at Standley Park will be possible based on current health guidelines. A full report on our May 13th UCCA virtual meeting will be published in our June newsletter.
The good news is UCCA will be delivering newsletters to your doorsteps in June, (as well as an online version for viewing/downloading). Our newsletter volunteers and Neighborhood Watch captains will be able to pick up an “I Love University City” bandana as a token of our appreciation for their volunteer efforts this year starting on Tuesday, May 19, 9:30-11:00 at the Primos/Starbucks (on Governor Drive) outdoor bench. We ask that our volunteers respect “social distancing” and wear face covering when picking up their bandana.
UCCA will publish an E-blast weekly email this summer to complement its newsletter content to provide our community with current local information. You can also go online to our website at www.universitycitynews.org for specific and expanded information … and when you’re there click on a link to the University City musical video produced by Don Hotz, (music/lyrics by Tom Ventimiglia and Greg Zinser) or use the links below. Remember, University City is “more than just a neighborhood”.
- University City Volunteer Video : https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/05/16/university-city-world-premier-videos-more-than-just-a-neighborhood-happy-days-are-here-again/
- Current Newsletter : https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
- University City Community Plan update : https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/05/16/may-19-2020-uc-community-plan-update-subcommittee-meets-via-zoom-registration-now-open/