University City residents Tom Ventimiglia and Greg Zinser collaborated last year on these special tribute songs to our local volunteers. Don Hotz added the images to produce the videos. Listen and watch “More the Just a Neighborhood” and “Happy Days are Here Again.”
Click on video screen image to start the More the Just a Neighborhood / Happy Days are Here Again
video; or visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Happy-Days-are-Here-Again.mp4
See also Pandemic Parody by Greg Zinser at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/04/11/world-premier-pandemic-parody-by-university-citys-own-greg-zinser/
Editor’s note : This video was created using a combination of older photographs taken at events that occurred before COVID-19 related restrictions and more recent photographs showing families and individuals in situations that did not require wearing masks. UCCA continues to urge all to follow current city, county, and state COVID-19 restrictions designed to reduce the spread of the disease.
Since most of us are practicing social distancing and staying at home, we have to rely on community contributions to let us know what’s going on. What are you doing now? Please send your news and photos to our editor at uccaeditor@gmail.com. Jemma is interested in doing a feature on different styles and patterns for facial coverings for the June University City News. Thank you to all.