We need your help! The University City community would like to honor our local teachers. Traditionally, our five local public schools will hold a Teacher Appreciation Week event in May. But, with schools being held virtually, there is not an ability to do so in person. Instead, we are asking current or past students to submit photos of themselves, families, or signs showing your appreciation to teachers/staff members from Curie, Doyle, Spreckels Elementary, Standley Middle, or UC High School.
EdUCate! president Mark Salata will take all the photos and create an appreciation virtual photo album for each school. We’ve extended our photo submission deadline to Thursday, May 21, 2020. Thanks for your help. Please send photos to jemmasamala@gmail.com.
Now’s the perfect time to honor an educator who’s going above and beyond to keep quality education alive in University City. EdUCate!’s Honor a Teacher program recognizes teachers, counselors, administrators, and coaches who have gone the extra mile. When you make a donation in honor of an educator, they’ll receive an Amazon gift card, a virtual certificate with your personalized message, and recognition within their school and on the EdUCate! website. EdUCate! is your public school foundation, contributing vital funding for teacher and principal grants and unique experiences for students in all five University City public schools. Visit uc-educate.org to honor a teacher today.
Also, if you’ve noticed the “UC thanks teachers and staff” banners at the schools and at Standley Park, those were donated by Scott Weathers and AlphaGraphics San Diego – please thank them by emailing Scott at sweathers@alphagraphics.com; or visit https://www.alphagraphics.com/centers/san-diego-california-us727.html
Courtesy of Jemma Samala; please email your photos to her at jemmasamala@gmail.com