Looking for local take-out and small business options? From UCCA’s University City News editor Jemma Samala: Click on the image to access UCCA”s “Open for Business” Google Doc Spreadsheet of open food and carry out dining places in the University City area.
Open for Business Spreadsheet : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1ZpwFj14ZfOsrhyhRZkFLwZlZfhL6yBLW5_Wi-6-zv-U/htmlview#gid=0
Please note that there are no dine-in options for now per county restrictions (please practice social distancing of six feet). Open restaurants will be offering only takeout and/or delivery. Preferably, you should pay via debit/credit card so as to not have to handle cash. The best option is to order online so the order will be ready for you. Ask for curbside delivery. For delivery, you can ask for no hands when paying using a credit/debit card – they will leave the food at your door and let you know when it has been delivered. (And don’t forget to tip!) If you have any updates, please send them to Jemma Samala, uccaeditor@gmail.com
Please note that spreadsheet includes pages for businesses located in south University City, north UC, north Clairemont, Westfield UTC, special grocery store hours, and restaurants featured at EdUCate’s Taste of the Triangle. Please sure to click through them all. Let’s support our local businesses.
We will be adding information on small business and services, many of which cannot open. If you would like to support these businesses (as well as restaurants), you may purchase gift cards or make a donation. If you have information, please send info to uccaeditor@gmail.com. Thanks to Ginger Gainer for South UC small business info.
For additional information about University City local businesses :
- Buy Local at https://www.universitycitynews.org/buy-local-with-ucca/
- May Advertisers at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/05/02/take-a-look-these-are-some-of-the-neighborhood-heroes-who-made-the-may-newsletter-possible/
- Link to Google Docs : Open for Business – List and Information compiled by Jemma Samala