City Attorney Mara Elliott discusses with UC Talks host Jemma Samala about how the City Attorney’s office is run, and the unique environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Elliott points out the importance of her office in continuing pursuing restraining orders when domestic violence victims are at home, in times of stress when guns are at home, and lower reporting of child abuse when children are at home. Additionally, during any crisis, her office sees an increase in price gouging incidents and false ads – false treatments and testing kits these days. They touch upon many issues that the San Diego City Attorney’s office must handle. UC Talks is hosted by University City Community Association Newsletter Editor Jemma Samala.
- Watch the Zoom interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/mKifItbZBYg
- Listen to the Podcast on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/ucca-785209867/4-29-20-mara-elliott-city
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