From UCCA president Barry Bernstein: Our UCCA May edition newsletter will once again be an online version with limited hard copy distribution at the back parking lot door of the library and Sprouts/Post Office patio next week. A shout-out thank you to all our community contributors and our advertisers who helped to make this edition possible. We couldn’t do it without you.
Our cover story and feature articles focus on the current UCPG committees that are reviewing and making recommendations related to the Draft EIR for the Costa Verde revitalization. This project’s “footprint” will have a major impact on the increase of anticipated traffic and congestion. UCCA feels it is very important that information be made public, and that YOU have a chance to react and reply. Read UCPG chair Chris Nielsen’s article for details on how to “comment” on this project.
For best reading / viewing online, use your computer’s display functions to enlarge the display and to pan side-to-side and scroll through the newsletter.
- Read or download the May 2020 newsletter as a PDF here (compatible with most devices): UCCA May 2020 University City News
- Read the May 2020 newsletter as a FlipBook here (works best with laptop/desktop computers): https://www.universitycitynews.org/3d-flip-book/may-2020-university-city-news/
- Links to all University City News newsletters are available on our archives page at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
UCCA’s next general meeting on May 13 will be accessible via Zoom and open to the public. Details of this planned meeting and how you can participate will be announced in a follow-up E-blast.
UCCA has made an initial purchase of face covering bandanas for distribution to our many volunteers…..newsletter/neighborhood watch…..These same bandanas, if popular, will be sold to any interested community member with the proceeds going to those medical teams/organizations serving and protecting us.
Stay well, stay home, and continue to follow the guidelines of social distancing/face covering when out and about. Let’s beat this virus and get back to enjoying all those things we value so much.
Together as one we will overcome! Remember, University City is “more than just a neighborhood”.
Sincerely, Barry Bernstein, UCCA President
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