Happy Arbor Day 2020 from Trees 1000 Foundation: While we practice stay at home guidelines, we are also enjoying the beautiful flowers and trees in the University City neighborhoods during our daily walks.
On Arbor Day 2019, we distributed small trees to children and taught them how to plant and care for trees, and targeted children with asthma and health issues. For Arbor Day 2020, we will be staying home and plan to be on hold for participating in any events this year. We do look forward to continuing to give and plant trees in the Fall/Winter.
Trees 1000 did have a successful tree planting season this past November and February. To date we are proud to announce that we have successfully planted 295 canopy trees on private properties in the University City/UTC/La Jolla areas since our first planting in November 2018. Well ahead of our goal to plant 1,000 trees, within a ten-year period, to replace those that have been removed during construction by five public agencies for their public projects (City of San Diego, UCSD, SANDAG, Caltrans and MTS).
Trees 1000 has been a national front runner to finance and plant trees on private property to improve neighborhoods and health issues. In fact, last year, Trees 1000 Foundation was awarded “Best Urban Forestry Project” by the California Urban Forests Council.
Thanks for your support of our mission, and enjoy the trees.
Share Your Tree Success Story: If you received a tree from Trees 1000 Foundation, we would love to hear about and see your growing trees. Send your stories and photos to trees1000foundation@gmail.com, and we can share on our website and Facebook page. For more information, visit https://trees1000.org/ and Facebook @trees1000foundation.