As published by the SD Union Tribune April 16, 2020 : [Excerpt] Plummeting tax revenue during the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer to propose sharp spending cuts in response to a projected $250 million budget gap. The cuts would include closing municipal pools and reducing hours at libraries and recreation centers. The mayor is also proposing deep cuts to arts funding and more moderate reductions to tree trimming, graffiti eradication, code enforcement and the clearing of clogged drainage channels to prevent flooding. The proposed spending plan would eliminate 350 jobs, but city finance officials said they expect the number of layoffs to be significantly lower as many displaced workers find other positions in San Diego’s 11,000-member workforce.
From Mayor Kevin Faulconer : [Excerpt] This Proposed Budget includes $46 million in General Fund reductions across all branches, and almost $15 million in reductions to non-General Fund expenditures to help balance the General Fund budget. I am proposing to access reserves in Fiscal Year 2020 to mitigate more significant reductions and eliminations of staff and core services. Core community services are given priority during this unparalleled crisis, and we continue to protect essential functions such as public safety, trash collection, water and wastewater, and homelessness programs. Minimal additions are proposed for Fiscal Year 2021, primarily for critical public safety needs and $2.0 million for the recently created Small Business Relief Fund to continue offering financial assistance to local businesses affected by the coronavirus.
[University City summary created by Diane Ahern, UCCA] While the proposed budget has far ranging impacts throughout San Diego, several have direct impact on University City, including :
- longer winter closures at pool and reduced hours at recreation centers
- reduced hours at libraries and library branches closed on Mondays
- tree trimming limited to emergency only
- moderate reductions to graffiti eradication and code enforcement
- eliminating a two-firefighter “fast-response” squad when Fire Station 50 opens on Shoreline Drive (at Nobel Drive)
- no cuts to programs for the homeless
- no proposed reductions to firefighters or police officers
Read the entire article from David Garrick, San Diego Union Tribune at https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/story/2020-04-15/san-diego-mayor-proposing-deep-cuts-to-close-250m-revenue-gap-during-pandemic
Read the entire statement from Mayor Kevin Faulconer and access an online version of the budget can be found at https://www.sandiego.gov/finance/proposed