Three companies give $100K each to help San Diego; $300K in seed money will serve as catalyst for more donations, city officials say.
As reported by the SD Union Tribune, April 13, 2020 : San Diego is expanding its $6 million COVID-19 small business relief fund with more than $300,000 in private donations that city officials are characterizing as a catalyst for additional contributions. The GoFundMe online philanthropy platform, one of three local businesses that donated $100,000 each, will help attract more contributions by aggressively promoting the initiative on its website. The new money will likely go to businesses that didn’t previously qualify for the city’s relief fund because of rigorous state and federal eligibility requirements for much of the money.
For the private expansion of the program, the city will rely on Cal Coast Credit Union to collect donations and San Diego Grantmakers to evaluate applications and administer grants. Cal Coast and Qualcomm joined GoFundMe in donating $100,000 each to launch the program.
More from SDUT – That’s an excerpt; read the entire report from David Garrick, San Diego Union Tribune, at https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/story/2020-04-13/san-diego-expanding-business-relief-program-with-private-donation-campaign
More from City of San Diego – Business Relief and Support, visit https://www.sandiego.gov/economic-development/resources/relief
Support University City area businesses – What’s Open for Business in the University City area ? Take a look at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/04/06/whats-open-in-the-university-city-area/