Courtesy of Keep San Diego Moving / SANDAG : Overnight closures scheduled for Mid-Coast Trolley construction beginning Monday, April 13, 2020. A series of full closures will go into effect on Genesee Avenue for crews to remove falsework—or temporary support structures—from the Trolley bridge. Additionally, crews will place concrete for the pedestrian bridges at the future UTC Trolley station.
The following will be in place Monday, April 13 through Thursday, April 16, and Sunday, April 19 through Thursday, April 23, 2020:
• Full closures of southbound Genesee Avenue from La Jolla Village Drive to Nobel Drive, from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. each night
• Full closures of northbound Genesee Avenue from Nobel Drive to La Jolla Village Drive, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. each night
Motorists should plan to take alternate routes to avoid potential congestion. Due to the complexity of the work, closures can be postponed at any time without notice. View closure updates at https://www.keepsandiegomoving.com/Mid-coast/midcoast-intro.aspx
Why does construction continue? The government has deemed public works construction activities to be essential, so we’re continuing to keep active construction projects moving during the COVID-19 pandemic. Protecting the health and safety of the San Diego region, including our partners, contractors, and stakeholders, is a top priority for SANDAG. Be assured that construction crews are following precautionary health measures, and we continue to monitor developments and follow all health guidance and orders.
To protect the health and safety of staff, partners, and the general public, SANDAG offices are closed to the public. Our team is working remotely during this time to provide essential services, and to continue progress on critical regional projects. For additional information, visit sandag.org/COVID-19
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