Please note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there is no home delivery available for the April 2020 University City News. The good news is that our UCCA volunteers have produced a PDF version of the University City News and it’s now available to view and download. This issue is full of local information and resources and inspiration. Please take a look. A limited number of print copies of April newsletter (for our residents without access to the online edition), will be available at these two locations starting on Saturday, April 4 at 10:00 a.m. : Governor Drive Library, back door by parking lot; and Sprouts/Post Office on Governor Drive, patio area.
Read the current University City News as a FlipBook below. Download and read the current issue as PDF (as well as past issues) on our newsletter archives page at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/newsletter/
From UCCA President Barry Bernstein : April is here, and it has unfortunately brought much more than the usually welcomed “showers”. Our normal home newsletter delivery, in consideration of the welfare of our volunteers, needed to change. These are unprecedented times, and requires all of us to think of the health and safety of others and how to modify our social interactions during these unknowing times.
I hope when reading this column, the spread of coronavirus has started to level off in our country and the rest of the world, and there soon will be a return to some level of normalcy. However, we must remain vigilant and respect the CDC, National, State, County/City guidelines.
Most, if not all, public meetings have been canceled this month. You’ve probably read/heard of the serious impact upon the economics of our country and how government is addressing this issue. If each of us does their part, maybe in the not too distant future we will be able to look back upon these challenging times and feel some pride in how we came together to “overcome”.
April traditionally is a month for what has been a family gathering time as both Easter and Passover holidays brings many of us together to celebrate. For many these plans have needed to be changed.
Major sports events, tournaments, seasons have all be postponed or eliminated…and in Japan the Olympics have been re-scheduled for 2021. How this pandemic may affect our National, State, and City elections set for this November is a big question mark. The U.S. Census survey has arrived for most. If you haven’t already done so, please fill out your survey today. And of course, as I suspect you know, the filing date for our taxes has been delayed until July 15.
Here’s a little tidbit…since we’re all home-bound and needing to create some diversions and perhaps learning some new skills at the same time…There are rumors that a six foot square mah jong/Bridge table can be ordered on Amazon with a drop-down tile/card sanitizer in the middle … It comes with robotic-like hand-held arm extensions. All this, plus the anxiously awaited 2020 mah jong player’s card and a “Bridge for the Beginners” handbook.
I could go on and on mentioning some other mundane life activities each of us has taken for granted, but that doesn’t seem important these days.
Thank you to our front line health professionals and elected officials who have been working overtime to provide us with needed medical services and information. I am cautiously optimistic that based on health/city officials’ recommendations that our May issue may return to our regular hard copy edition. If not, I’ll be with you again, online.
The UCCA Board wishes you and yours good health and safety…and to those who observe, have a wonderful Easter and Passover. Stay well University City, where we’re more than a neighborhood.
Read the current University City News as a FlipBook below. Download and read the current issue as PDF (as well as past issues) on our newsletter archives page at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
For related posts, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/newsletter/
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