As published by the SD Union Tribune, March 25, 2020: Assemblyman Todd Gloria and Councilwoman Barbara Bry will battle to become San Diego’s next mayor in a November runoff that local political scientists expect to be fiercely competitive and potentially nasty at times.
The two Democrats will battle for votes from the city’s growing progressive coalition, while Bry attempts to also win votes from Republicans and independents by taking more centrist stances on business regulations and on new housing in single-family areas.
Bry recently surged past Republican Councilman Scott Sherman for the second slot in the runoff with late-arriving ballots. Now Sherman trails Bry by more than 1,000 votes, after leading her by more than 3,000 the morning after the March 3 primary. Sherman has no plans request a recount, said Jason Roe, his campaign consultant.
That’s an excerpt; to read the entire post by David Garrick, San Diego Union Tribune, visit https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/story/2020-03-25/bry-expected-to-give-gloria-a-tough-fight-in-runoff-for-san-diego-mayor
For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/elections/
For the most up-to-date City of San Diego Mayor election results, visit https://www.livevoterturnout.com/SanDiego/LiveResults/en/Index_8.html