From Mathew Gordon, District Representative: As promised, I want to be sure that as a leader in the community, you are up to date with the latest information regarding the State’s response to COVID-19. To that end, I am attaching the latest e-alert from our office, which includes important updates and resources for impacted San Diegans. E-alert can be found here at: https://a78.asmdc.org/sites/a78.asmdc.org/files/e_alert/20200320AD78EAlert_1522.htm
I also wanted to let you know that Assemblymember Gloria has been sharing updates regularly via Facebook Live. He will be providing another update tonight at 8:00 PM at: www.facebook.com/toddgloria. This is a good opportunity for you and other constituents to hear from him directly and ask questions. Please distribute this information to your community network and anyone else you think may be interested.
If you have specific questions for the Assemblymember, please forward them to me at Mathew.Gordon@asm.ca.gov so I can share them with him.
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