From Westfield UTC : In response to the widespread COVID-19 outbreak and after carefully reviewing the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and public health authorities’ guidance to practice social distancing and minimize public gatherings, our center will join the collective fight against the COVID-19 outbreak and temporarily close the majority of its operations.
Some retailers may still be open so that ‘essential’ retail remains in operation for customers. While we will endeavor to reflect these store hours on this website, please confirm their hours directly. If you have questions, please reach out to utc@urw.com. We encourage everyone to stay safe and look forward to reopening soon to support our community.
For current information, visit https://www.westfield.com/utc
For a list of food and restaurant facilities open for delivery and/or carry out, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/03/18/university-city-area-business-updates-food-and-dining-and-more-during-covid-19-restrictions/