Union-Tribune: San Diego would suffer catastrophic damage if Rose Canyon fault produces 6.9 earthquake


A new scientific study says a temblor could isolate the region’s coastal cities and damage 100,000 residences. The San Diego Union Tribune is reporting on 03/04/2020 that a magnitude 6.9 earthquake on San Diego’s Rose Canyon fault could damage 100,000 residences, cause widespread road and bridge failures, and make parts of Mission Bay sink about a foot, according to the most detailed disaster scenario ever done on the region. Such a temblor could also cut gas and water service between La Jolla and the Silver Strand for months, collapse key municipal buildings, and close the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge, says a report by the San Diego chapter of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. Parts of the fault would rupture the earth’s surface and shift the landscape 6 to 7 feet, damaging streets so badly it would make it hard for police, firefighters and paramedics to get around.

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That’s an excerpt; to read the entire report from the Union Tribune, visit https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/science/story/2020-03-04/huge-quake-could-damage-100-000-san-diego-residences-make-mission-bay-sink

Visit the Southern California Earthquake Center to view the San Diego Earthquake Scenario at https://www.scec.org/

Take a tour of the Rose Canyon Fault; report from UCCA and San Diego County News at Video and Map: Tour the Rose Canyon Fault – San Diego’s Biggest Earthquake Threat at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2019/07/09/video-and-map-tour-the-rose-canyon-fault-san-diegos-biggest-earthquake-threat/

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