UCCA’s podcast host Jemma Samala talks with University City resident Ruth Mitchell about her fictional book Deleted
– a young adult novel set in the near future. The book follows a couple of college students who discover how to hack into people’s memories, plus adventure, science and a love story thrown in too. A book that host Jemma Samala admits she could not put down until she finished reading. University City acts as the backdrop to the story, and readers will recognize our local canyons and beaches. Take a listen at https://soundcloud.com/ucca-785209867/ruth-mitchell-author-of
For a related story about Ruth Mitchell and Deleted, please refer to the University City News print newsletter, February 2020, page 7; available for download as a PDF at https://www.universitycitynews.org/ucca-newsletter-archives/
UC Talks is a hyper-local podcast that features conversations, interviews, and news of University City. It’s managed by the University City Community Association (UCCA). To submit an idea for an upcoming podcast, please use the contact us link. Suggestions are welcomed. We are here to serve the community because University City … is more than just a neighborhood. Links to all UC Talks Podcasts, including this episode, are available on UCCA’s UC Talks podcast channel at https://soundcloud.com/ucca-785209867