UC Planning Group (UCPG) issues February 11 2020 meeting agenda; all are welcome


University Community Planning Group (UCPG) meets on Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 6 PM at the Alexandria Building, 10300 Campus Point Drive, 2nd Floor Conference Room, San Diego, CA 92121. This is the same building as the Green Acre Restaurant; meeting is in the 2nd floor meeting room above the restaurant. Ample free parking. There is a lobby space outside the meeting room; refreshments provided. All are welcome to arrive early for networking. Please note that the February agenda includes a report by the Election Subcommittee for the March UCPG election. The Subcommittee will announce which seats are up for election, and will discuss election procedures.

From UCPG Chair Chris Nielsen: There are many items on the Agenda this time, including a new information item presentation on Costa Verde, an action item on the UC Villages Golf Course, and an action item on the new Facilities Agreement for delivering electricity to the City. The Costa Verde EIR is expected shortly and when posted it will be found at https://www.sandiego.gov/ceqa/draft

The February 11, 2020, agenda includes (all items and times subject to change without notice):

6:00 1. Call the Meeting to Order: Chris Nielsen, Chair.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silence.
  2. Agenda: Call for additions / deletions: Adoption.
  3. Approval of Minutes: January 14, 2020.
  4. Announcements: Chair’s Report and CPC Report.

6:15 6. Presentations:

  • Cell Tower – Roger Cavnaugh
  • Councilmember Barbara Bry – Justine Murray
  • SANDAG – Dave Smith, MCTC
  • Membership Report – Anu Delouri / John Bassler
  • Plan Update Subcommittee – Andy Wiese, Chair
  • Planning Department – Katie Witherspoon
  • MCAS Miramar – Kristin Camper
  • Senator Toni Atkins – Miller Saltzman
  • Assemblyman Todd Gloria – Mathew Gordon
  • Congressman Scott Peters – Jessica Brown
  • Supervisor Kristin Gaspar – Corinne Busta
  • UCSD – Alyssa Helper

7:15 7. Public Comment: Non-Agenda Items (3-minute limit).

7:30 8. Report of the UCPG Election Subcommittee.

7:40 9. Action Item: Letter to City Re: UC Golf Course destruction.

7:55 10. Action Item: Project 643476, Sign NUP for La Jolla Country Day School, Process 4. Denise Vo, Latitude 33, presenting.

8:10 11. Action Item: Project 635306, T-Mobile Eastgate, Planned Development Permit, Process 4. Franklin Orozco, presenting.

8:30 12. Information Item: Project 477943, Costa Verde Revitalization, Community Plan, Specific Plan, and Planned Development Permit 90-1109 Amendments, Process 5. John Murphy, presenting.

9:00 13. Action Item: Renewal of Energy Franchise Agreement in 2020. Matthew Vasilakis, Climate Action Campaign, presenting. Warren Ruis, SDG&E, presenting.

9:30 14. Adjournment: Next Meeting is March 10, 2020. (UCPG elections)

To download this agenda in PDF form, please visit the City’s website at https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/university/agendas

For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/ucpg/

Please Note: University City Community Association (UCCA) meets Wednesday, February 12, at the Community Library at 4155 Governor Dr. We start networking at 5:30 PM; and the meeting is called to order at 6 PM. All are welcome.


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