As reported by the SD Union Tribune: Local Marine and political leaders officially welcomed to San Diego Friday (January 31, 2020) the newest generation of fighters — the F-35C Lightning II. Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 314 flew its first F-35C — the first in the Corps — to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar on Jan. 21. Its second jet arrived Friday. The squadron is set to be fully equipped with 10 fighters by the end of the year. The F-35C is the third variant of the Joint Strike Fighter, which, at an estimated lifetime price tag of more than $1 trillion, is the most expensive military weapons program. Maj. Gen. Kevin Iiams, the commanding general of the 3rd Marine Air Wing, said at a presentation on the base Friday that the new aircraft — the Navy’s version of the F-35 — was a key part of the Marine Corps’ mission in the future.
Maj. Gen. Kevin Iiams, the commanding general of the 3rd Marine Air Wing, said at a presentation on the base Friday that the new aircraft — the Navy’s version of the F-35 — was a key part of the Marine Corps’ mission in the future. “Our Marine Corps has a long and enduring relationship with our Navy and it only strengthens with this aircraft,” Iiams said. “We will get back to our fleet marine force roots and get very deeply embedded with our Navy, and the ‘C’ model does exactly that.”
Rep. Scott Peters, D-San Diego, said during the presentation that he is proud of the role Miramar has in the nation’s defense. “When we see our F-35s flying overhead, they will be a constant reminder that San Diego is a proud military town and that our United States Marines and sailors stationed right here in our region have a critical leading role in defending our nation from threats worldwide,” Peters said. Peters also addressed ongoing community concerns about jet noise and safety around Miramar. “I’ve never had a problem with any commander being responsive to the community — I really appreciate that,” Peters said. “I know we’ll continue to do that and we have more work to do.”
That’s an excerpt; read the entire article from the SD Union Tribune at https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/military/story/2020-01-31/miramar-welcomes-first-carrier-capable-f-35cs-in-marine-corps
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