As published in the February 2020 University City News print newsletter, District 1 Updates from Council President Pro Tem Barbara Bry:
Budget Season is Here: Each January, I create a budget memo outlining my priorities for the upcoming financial year (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021.) In this annual memo, I request funding to help meet the needs of the community. This year, I requested funding for two capital improvement projects (CIPs) on behalf of the University City community.
- One priority outlined in my memo is full funding of the first phase of construction of Marcy Park (5504 Stresemann St, San Diego, CA 92122) improvements. Previously, my office identified funding for the design costs and I will ensure funding for construction.
- My other UC budgetary priority is to secure funding to begin the design of the South University City Library (4155 Governor Dr, San Diego, CA 92122) improvements and expansion. Built over 40 years ago, I recognize that this library is in need of large-scale upgrades. I have asked for funding to provide the community with features like: • conference rooms • computer space for both youth and adult users • separate sections for teens and children • a complete renovation and sound absorbing treatment for the common room • bathroom renovation • ample space for books and AV materials and • addition of a small STEAM lab.
Over the next months, my budget priorities will be evaluated and incorporated into a Council resolution for the Mayor to review. The Mayor will then release the proposed budget in the Spring. After public hearings and council review, the budget will be formally adopted in June, before the new fiscal year official begins. You can access my memorandum on my council page at: https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd1/policymemos
For related posts from UCCA, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/category/district-1/
The February 2020 PDF version of the print newsletter is available for download at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/01/30/university-city-news-the-february-2020-issue-is-now-online/