Courtesy of Voice of San Diego: When someone starts working at Voice of San Diego, they get a big-picture overview on how the region operates and how big decisions are made. We call it San Diego 101. It’s the best way to get our reporters up to speed on the issues they may not regularly cover, but affect the lives of all San Diegans.
We eventually realized these types of explainers would be useful to people beyond the newsroom. If you’ve ever wondered how our region is governed, how transportation decisions are made, where we get our water, why schools work the way they do or how our border is managed, this is for you.
Our five-part video series will help you better understand how our region works and give you a base of knowledge so that each time a big story breaks, a politician resigns, an election approaches or a major investigation publishes, you can wrap your mind around it with a solid foundation.
Current topics include:
- How We Get Our Water
- Choosing a School
- The Roles of Local Government
- Who Runs the Border
- What is SANDAG?
For links to all videos and other stories from Voice of San Diego, visit https://www.voiceofsandiego.org/san-diego-101/
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