Significant development and population increases in … District 1’s University City neighborhood.
From the Union-Tribune: San Diego is launching its once-a-decade effort to make sure its nine City Council districts are balanced by population and reflect recent demographic changes across the city. The City Clerk began recruiting members this week for a nine-member independent panel of volunteers who will create new boundary lines for council districts based on data from the 2020 U.S. Census.
District 4, which includes much of Southeastern San Diego, has become the least populated district by a significant margin during the last decade. The central-urban District 3 has become the most populated. Other changes include significant development and population increases in District 8’s Otay Mesa neighborhood and District 1’s University City neighborhood. Federal law requires the difference in population between the largest district and the smallest district to be a maximum of 4.9 percent.
Excerpts above; to read the entire article from the San Diego Union Tribune, visit https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/communities/san-diego/story/2020-01-12/once-a-decade-redistricting-effort-could-shift-san-diego-politics