Update May 2020 : Due COVID-19 retritions, the May 9 presentation was cancelled. The film in now available online through the Pacific Arts Movement. Refer to the “Home Grown” category for more on The Paradise We are Looking For
and other films of San Diego at https://pacarts.org/maymadness-homegrown/
UCCA’s Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation (CASA) committee is coordinating two upcoming events to be held at the University Community Library, 4155 Governor Drive, University City, San Diego.
- Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 6 PM: Aviation Update 2020 – Speakers include representatives from MCAS Miramar, Quiet Skies La Jolla, San Diego International Airport (SAN), Montgomery-Gibbs Airport, Montgomery Gibbs Environmental Coalition, Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation, (speaker invited) Federal Aviation Administration, and (speaker invited) General Atomics. Distinguished guests include UC San Diego (UCSD), City Councilmember Barbara Bry’s office, US Congress Representative Scott Peters’ office, and County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar’s office. Details at https://www.universitycitynews.org/2020/01/05/save-the-date-aviation-update-2020-on-january-29-2020-2/
Saturday, May 9, 2020, 1:30 PM: Two Miles East – “Two Miles East” is a film essay that recalls the military aircraft crash in University City on December 8, 2008 and the 10 year memorial in 2018. The short film revisits a tragic F/A-18 jet crash to contemplate our civilian relationship with the military and re-examine the suburban dream. Both the filmmaker Norbert Shieh and the Asian Film Festival artistic director Brian Hu will present and discuss the film. Info about the film at http://norbertshieh.com/two-miles-east
For more information about Citizens Advocating Safe Aviation (CASA), please visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/c-a-s-a-citizens-advocating-safe-aviation/