Were you born on February 29? What’s it like to be a Leap Day baby? UCCA wants to know


What are the chances of being born on Leap Day? Normally, the chance of being born on any given day is 1 in 365. But for Leap Day babies, it’s four times that, plus an extra day. That comes out to 1 in 1,461. Assuming that birthdays are uniformly distributed throughout the year, very few people share a February 29 birthday. Are you one of the few?

We are looking for University City residents to profile in the February University City News featuring Leap Day babies. If you live in University City and were born on leap day, please contact us with your story. What are some of the best and worst aspects of being born on February 29? For consideration you must have a University City connection. Please share your story (and a picture if you like) in a few sentences and send to UniversityCityNews@gmail.com. The deadline for submissions is January 15.

Here’s some things we’d like to know:

  • When do Leap Day babies celebrate their birthdays?
  • Is there pressure to have a huge celebration every four years when the real date rolls around?
  • What are the biggest perks (and challenges) of having a leap year birthday?
  • Does everyone make the joke that you’re a quarter of your actual age?
  • What happens when Leap Day babies turn 21?
  • Do forms or official documents ever pose a problem?

For consideration, you must have a connection to University City in San Diego, California. Please share your story (and a picture if you like) in a few sentences and send to UniversityCityNews@gmail.com. The deadline for submissions is January 15.


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