Happy New Year from UCCA. Thanks to all who have joined or renewed their UCCA membership for the 2020 calendar year. You should receive your membership card and complimentary University City notepad and window/bumper sticker in the US Mail this week.
Your membership dues help to fund many events and programs that would not be possible without your UCCA membership dues. The monthly newsletter, updated websites, 4th of July Celebration, Summer Concerts, OktoberFest, public school fundraising, Christmas Tree and Hanukkah Menorah lighting, Neighborhood Watch, street banners, median beautification projects, transformer box art, UC Talks podcasts … all of these and more are sponsored in part by UCCA membership dues.
When you receive the envelope from University City Community Association, open it as soon as possible. Don’t forget to detach your membership card; and carry it in your wallet. We hope to see you at the next University City Community Association meeting, held the second Wednesday at 6 PM at the Library on Governor. And thanks for making University City more than a neighborhood.
For a look back at 2019 and a look forward to 2020, visit UCCA’s homepage at https://www.universitycitynews.org/
Note: If you have not had a chance to join or renew your UCCA membership for 2020, there is still time. Go to https://www.universitycitynews.org/join-ucca-today/.