Effective immediately, you may now apply to the Community Enhancement (CE) Program at any time during the year. However, full funding of the CE Program will not commence until July 1, 2020. Contact your County Supervisorial District Representative for funding requests; electronic applications are preferred; application packets can be emailed or mailed to one or more of the five County Supervisorial Districts for review and consideration.
Entities and activities currently funded are cultural activities, museums, visitor and convention bureaus, economic development councils, and other similar institutions/organizations, including County programs and projects, which promote and generate tourism and/or economic development within San Diego County.
A completed application packet includes the following:
- 1) application,
- 2) IRS letter showing tax exempt/non-profit status,
- 3) IRS form 990,
- 4) screen shots from the California Attorney General Charitable Registration Verification Tool and the Secretary of State Business Search websites showing the non-profit organizations are CURRENT or EXEMPT and ACTIVE with Attorney General and Secretary of State registration requirements, and
- 5) copies of pertinent parts of articles of incorporation, articles of association or other governing documents identifying persons authorized to sign a CE Program grant agreement.
More information can be found by downloading the CE Application Instructions at:
- San Diego County Auditor: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/auditor/commehnc.html
- Email County Grants: cenrpgrants@sdcounty.ca.gov
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