Coldwell Banker University City and their team of local agents are “committed to the community”. They work hard to bring fun and valuable opportunities to help the neighborhood and greater San Diego. Save the date for these 2020 community events sponsored by Coldwell Banker University City:
- June 6, 2020: The wonderful, annual UC garage sale on the first Saturday in June with over 100 homes participating.
- August 2, 2020: The Back Packs for Kids drive to help less fortunate kids receive backpacks and schools supplies to get a great start in the school year.
- October 10, 2020: The EdUCate! Foundation for UC Public Schools Oktoberfest trolley to help keep the community safe and support our terrific schools.
Coldwell Banker UC also hosts informative events such as the past events of Meet a Contractor night and a Tax Information session; more events and dates to be announced after the first of the year.
Reach out to the company and agents who care for University City — Coldwell Banker UC — when you want expert advice on buying or selling your home at 858-352-6587 or coldwellbankeruc@gmail.com.
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