Sunday, December 8, 2019, is the first anniversary of the Memorial and Tree Dedication at Village Park to commemorate the tragic F-18 crash of 2008 that took the lives of four of our University City neighbors. Although no formal event is scheduled this year, neighbors and friends are invited to join in a spontaneous gathering at Village Park, 7150 Florey Street, at the four memorial jacaranda trees, beginning at 11:45 on Sunday December 8; to commemorate the fatal crash and honor the victims for a time of reflection and sharing.
Those who’d are not able to attend can set their alarms for 11:58 AM on December 8 as a to observe a moment of silence.
For related information, visit https://www.universitycitynews.org/memorial-and-tree-dedication-to-honor-victims-of-fighter-jet-crash/