University City News: the 2019 November newsletter is now online!


From UCCA President Barry Bernstein: The November print newsletter is now available online and at the Library and Recreation Center (both on Governor Drive) and will be delivered to area homes and libraries and businesses beginning November 1. Download the PDF version at

It’s time to JOIN UCCA and to look forward to the beauty of the Fall season in San Diego. I suppose for some that just means changing the AC to heat rather than cool or watching some World Series games, (sans the SD Padres).

We had our Halloween candy and now, after changing our clocks, and soon after Veteran’s Day, start thinking about some new side dishes for the Thanksgiving crowd. In my home it also means preparing for the annual Balderdash competition.

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It’s also time to carefully remove the 2020 UCCA membership form from this newsletter and to decide on you membership category for this coming year. JOIN UCCA and support all the good things being done in our community to support one another.

Our front page article reflects how UCCA does just that. Our election of officers, (see candidate’s information below), will take place at our November 13 meeting. Please come to vote, you can JOIN UCCA that evening, and also hear mayoral candidate, Barbara Bry speak.

I do think it’s worth mentioning that home sales prices in UC recently have reached heights I never thought to be possible…we live in a very special community, and UCCA is so very proud to be an integral part of maintaining and improving the quality of life for our residents.

We have challenges ahead: safety/noise out of Miramar, MCAS, Pure Water raw sewage pipelines, Fire/evacuation planning, the impact of UCSD’s growth on our traffic circulation and housing, and of course what the pros and cons of the trolley may mean for our community. These are issues that UCCA and the Community Plan Update Committee will be addressing in 2020 and beyond, but together we can find reasonable solutions. UCCA does represent you, but we need your support. JOIN UCCA and be part of the process to resolve these challenges. Have a wonderful month of November…see you at our UCCA meeting on the 13th.

Join UCCA through PayPal at When you fill out your 2020 UCCA membership form, please do think about volunteering by joining one of our committees, and don’t hesitate to include any personal comments as to how we can do even a better job. Remember, University City is “more than just a neighborhood”.

Election information:

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At its November 13 meeting, UCCA will be electing its officers for the 2020/21 calendar years. Positions that will be voted upon are the following:

  • President – Current nominee – Barry Bernstein (incumbent)
  • Vice-President – Current nominee – Mack Langston (incumbent)
  • Secretary – Current nominee – Open – Please nominate yourself by sending us an email at
  • Treasurer– Current nominee – Don Hotz (incumbent)

Additional / self nominations will be accepted at the election meeting. In order to be considered for office, you must be a member in good standing and have attended at least two UCCA meetings during this calendar year. If you are interested in an elected position, or if you have any questions concerning the election process, please contact Mack Langston, Chair UCCA Nominating Committee, 619.818.4205.

Click to download November 2019 newsletter.

UCCA’s University City News is comprised of information sent to the editor; today we thank all our contributors. University City Community Association is a volunteer organization and does not have reporters, photographers or staff. Our readers are welcome to write and submit articles and story suggestions that pertain to community and residents. The volunteers of University City Community Association (UCCA) produce and deliver a monthly newsletter at no cost to our readers. We do our best to provide timely and relevant news and information. We hope you refer to the newsletter often to find out what’s happening in University City. You can download and read a PDF version of the November 2019 University City News monthly newsletter at

UCCA also thanks its loyal advertisers for their support; without their advertising dollars, UCCA would not be able to publish a print version of the newsletter. Check out our advertising opportunities, including online Sponsored Posts, at

UCCA also thanks the County Board of Supervisors who provided a generous grant for the 2019 fiscal year to help support a full color version of the newsletter. And new this year, the County Board of Supervisors also provided a generous grant to fund our new UC Talks podcasts. Take a listen to the current newsletter and all our podcasts on our SoundCloud podcast channel at

Print versions of the November 2019 University City News are available at the Recreation Center and Library on Governor Drive as of Thursday afternoon, October 31, 2019. Print newsletters are delivered to homes and businesses in the University City area beginning Friday, November 1, 2019.

UCCA has published a monthly newsletter since 2002. Download and read past issues issues on our newsletter archives page at

Or read it as a FlipBook below: [3d-flip-book mode=”fullscreen” urlparam=”fb3d-page” id=”25361″ title=”false”]


University City You Know

➡️Please note: Information and advertising items included for publication in our print newsletter or on our websites or shared at our community meetings do not constitute an endorsement by the University City Community Association (UCCA) organization or its board members.⬅️